Boxing & MMA Gloves
BAMM Fight Gear has already 5 generation of gloves and is still counting. Gloves for every type of training available in many colors. We also offer customized gloves, from your own logo to exclusive designs for you or your company designed by a real designer. There is no MOQ, but prices are based on quantity.

Shin protection
BAMM Fight Gear has already 5 generations of Shinprotection and is still counting. Shinprotection for every type of training available in many colors. We also offer customized shinprotection, from your own logo to exclusive designs for you or your company designed by a real designer. There is no MOQ, but prices are based on quantity.

Budo Gi's
BAMM Fight Gear has a wide range of Budo Gi’s in several sizes and designs. From Judo to BJJ Gi’s. We focus on the fabrics used, as per our experience there are a lot of different quality fabrics. Before we offer it, it has been tested thoroughly to maintain our quality.

Protection & Pads
BAMM Fight Gear also offers general protection items such as Mouth Pieces, Handwraps, cups, ear protections etc. and for training purposes we have several (Thai) pads in our assortment. All of our offered items will be fabricated upon your order and as per your demand.

BAMM Fight Gear also offers apparels such as, but not limited to, Muay Thai Shorts, Shorts, Rashguards, T-Shirts etc. These are only made upon request and therefore will be exclusively made for you.
We also design and produce exclusively for you as per your own demands.
As we started small and as original as possible we are happy with this "small" number of items we have sold to our satisfiying customers.
With pride we can say that we have finalized several larger projects for start up gyms, sponsoring events etc. This number is growing thanks to you!